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Arts Alliance Media

Arts Alliance Media (AAM) is the global leader in digital cinema software and services, offering a wide range of solutions which help exhibitors to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the cinematic experience for their customers.
AAM’s extensive portfolio, including Producer, Screenwriter, Screenlighter, Lifeguard, and HeyLED, touches over 45,000+ screens worldwide, while their network operations center (NOC) supports several thousand screens.
Product Overviews

Producer – Enterprise Theatre Management System (E-TMS)
Producer is a cloud-based Enterprise Theatre Management System, also known as a Circuit Management System, which enables exhibitors to manage content for every cinema across their organization all from a single dashboard instead of at every site, they can enjoy greater network control and reduce circuit-wide task duplication for increased operational efficiency.
By empowering exhibitors to manage their circuit centrally, including:
• Managing pre-show and feature content
• Automatically creating and scheduling playlists
• Assigning content to shows
• Checking individual site schedules
• Monitoring site and content issues
Screenwriter – Theatre Management System (TMS)
Screenwriter is the most powerful, widely deployed Theatre Management System in the world and enables exhibitors to manage all screens and content in their cinema from one location.
Acting as a central hub for content and KDM management, Screenwriter allows Cinema Managers to centralise their theatre’s daily workflows using smart task automation. The renowned TMS’ range of functionality includes:
• Playlist creation using a simple drag-and-drop interface
• POS integration
• Comprehensive control over all content and screens
• Detailed reporting including proof-of-play
• Hardware, ingest and transfer automation

Screenlighter – Theatre Management System (TMS)
Screenlighter is a trusted and affordable entry-level Theatre Management System designed exclusively for small and independent cinemas.
A sister solution to our flagship Theatre Management System, Screenlighter presents a light and refined TMS package that focuses solely on the operational requirements of cinemas with up to four screens. Screenlighter delivers compact proficiency with:
• Fast operational speed
• Effective content management functionality
• A bright and effortless interface
Lifeguard – Hardware Management System
Lifeguard is a cloud-based Hardware Management System that gives exhibitors the tools to build their own NOC solution to optimize hardware and reduce lost revenue. Lifeguard presents exhibitors and NOC teams with a breadth of tools, allowing users to fix errors efficiently, evaluate issues remotely, and manage hardware lifecycles.
Lifeguard will monitor your schedules and consumables to keep you notified of any potential show-stopping issues, while searching for trends in your assets’ lifecycle to learn the lifespan of your hardware and predict and diagnose issues early with:
• Fault identification
• Detailed issue diagnosis
• Maintenance planning
• Lamp management
• Playback reporting

Contact to discuss an Arts Alliance Media Solution for your theatre today.